My story
I have ALWAYS, but always, wanted to dedicate myself to jewelry. In fact, when I was little my mom said that I couldn't stop making bead bracelets.
When I was little I always said that when I grew up I would be a jeweler, and I said that when the time came my brand would be called Ariela'z because of my name and the first letter of my last name.
When I was in high school I started making bead and gold plate bracelets and gave them to my friends. Over time they began to ask me for more and I decided it was time to start selling them.
I decided to take every course I could in jewelry and read every book possible.
During my high school, I went to bazaars on weekends to sell my pieces and when it was time to choose the career I was going to study, I decided to study Textile Design because it was the only career that offered me electives in jewelry.
During my degree I took the available electives but I already had the trademark registered and I spent every weekend in design bazaars. For this reason I also created @capital_urbano, a platform for Mexican designers. (That's another story 😉 )
At this time my jewelry collection consisted of silver and gold plate pieces with very experimental techniques.
I decided that the next step was to go to jewelry expos to sell my collection to wholesalers. Then I started traveling to different expos inside and outside of Mexico.
At this time I wanted to know more about jewelry and I had the opportunity to travel to New York to learn jewelry from super interesting people and to expand my mind to new design ideas.
I brought out the fine jewelry line at the same time since I felt that there was a lack of fine jewelry pieces that I wanted for myself, accessible pieces, with meaning, that were not outdated, and that adapted to the contemporary lifestyle.
I started making about 5 pieces of fine jewelry (with a lot of uncertainty due to the large investment it represented) to offer in case any of my clients were interested, and the first thing they asked me for were churumbelas and wedding rings.
I was faced with every possible wall and problem that I had not encountered in making silver jewelry, because even though I didn't know it, it is very different.
I decided to undertake my gemology studies at GIA and now I am AJP 💎 and GD (graduate diamonds) and I am about to finish the GG certification.
For a long time, times were difficult and the expos were very boring and sometimes nothing was sold.
When they ask me how I started with this, I literally started selling necklaces for 200 pesos and everything I earned I reinvested in material to make more pieces and to take more courses. For me there has never been another path and I feel very lucky to be on it and to never give up, no matter how much I sometimes feel like it.
I believe that perseverance combined with the passion I have for jewelry is what has given me the opportunity to evolve.
I love my job, I wouldn't change a single second of this journey. 🙏🏻
Thank you for reading and giving me the opportunity to share. 💖💖💖